Create group users on Jotform table

  • Mike Washington
    Asked on March 18, 2022 at 1:45 PM

    Can I create a group of users that can only view jotforms tables? Thanks

  • Kris JotForm Support
    Replied on March 18, 2022 at 4:03 PM

    Hi Mike Washington,

    Thank you for reaching out Jotform and we are here to assist you.

    You may try following these steps.

    Go to "Tables" View.

    1647633450 6234e42aa163b  Screenshot 10

    Click the "Share".

    1647633399 6234e3f7cc9e5  Screenshot 21

    A box will open that allows you to invite user on "Invite By Email".

    1647633573 6234e4a58e815  Screenshot 32

    Add email address and set what they can do then hit "Send Invitation".

    1647633646 6234e4ee28071  Screenshot 43

    We hope this helps your concern today.

    Please tell us if you need further assistance.