Can we connect this payment path to a Stripe Terminal POS device?

  • Adam Rondeau
    Asked on February 23, 2022 at 12:01 PM

    Can we connect this payment path to a Stripe Terminal POS device? So, let's say we want to assemble the costs and collect other signatures on a form then use the POS system to collect final payment is it possible through Stripe Checkout, or is there another approach you would recommend?

  • Kat JotForm Support
    Replied on February 23, 2022 at 12:53 PM

    Hi there,

    Happy to help!

    I just want to be sure that I'm understanding your use case fully: it sounds like you're wanting to enable Stripe Checkout to charge the customer later through Jotform or your Stripe dashboard; however, I'm unsure as to how the Stripe Terminal POS device would tie into your use case.

    From looking at the Stripe Terminal description on it looks like the terminal would replace the integration's payment details collection: is this correct?

    As such, I would suggest using our Purchase Order widget instead: this will still allow your customers to put through an order and you can collect their contact details and order details on the form, but then use the Stripe POS terminal to charge them after the submission is received.

    Stripe Checkout will collect payment details during the submission and, as mentioned in the guide, you would finalize payment through your Jotform Tables or Stripe dashboard only. If the Stripe Terminal is able to pull up your dashboard on the device, you may be able to charge them through this, but I am unsure if this is possible on your Stripe terminal.

    If this is not what you're looking for, could you kindly elaborate more on your use case?

    We look forward to your response!