One of our forms is redirecting to another form upon submission

  • mcsholder
    Asked on January 8, 2022 at 2:56 PM

    Also there is another issue. When I am using the Jotform app and fill out the form called Upload A Document To The Office, the first question Are you Uploading A Vaccine Card, if you answer YES, your redirected to another Jotform when you press the Submit button.

    It does not work from my app, but I can manually scan the QR code and it works.

  • Kat JotForm Support
    Replied on January 8, 2022 at 3:18 PM

    Hi again,

    Happy to help!

    To confirm - form is the form in question, correct?

    As your account is HIPAA-Enabled, I am unable to log in, but I was able to create a clone of your form and see that your form has the following conditions to redirect to other forms/URLs based on a field selection:

    1641672876 61d9f0acb87bf  Screenshot 10

    In this case, you could simply delete the top condition and replace it with a redirect to the URL that you'd like it to direct to. Was there a specific URL you wanted to direct your form users to upon their selection of "Yes" for the first question?

  • mcsholder
    Replied on January 8, 2022 at 3:29 PM

    My account was HIPAA enabled, but we removed HIPPA because of the issues we were having. It took weeks before Jotform finally removed HIPPA.

    Are you showing our account as HIPPA enabled? Multiple employees are having issues with forms on their phones, app, etc. I am wondering if there is still HIPAA coding somewhere on our account. This HIPPA option has been a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the link you should redirect to

    This is the QR Code.

    1641673630 61d9f39e72c6f  Screenshot 10

    FYI, if you scan this QR Code it works as it should. But, if you initiate this from within Jotforms app it will not work.

  • mcsholder
    Replied on January 8, 2022 at 3:33 PM

    I just used the link you provided and that is the previous form before I change it.

  • mcsholder
    Replied on January 8, 2022 at 4:18 PM

    I had to do a link instead, because our managers needed the form.

    I am concerned that you see HIPAA enable on our account.

  • Kat JotForm Support
    Replied on January 8, 2022 at 4:22 PM

    Hi there,

    My apologies: I saw the past HIPAA notification. Your account is not HIPAA-Enabled. Again, I apologize for the confusion.

    I am unable to replicate the issue on the Jotform app using a clone of your form: is this happening regardless of the device you use to access the app?