mgcaledonian13Asked on April 11, 2014 at 3:34 AM
How can you add a hyperlink to the email address in a notification.
I have tried
<a href="mailto:{emailAddress}?subject=Reply to your ...">
This works in a Submission display that I have, but does not seem to work in the Notification, (probably completely different).
Reason for doing this is it automatically open a fresh email that the person receiving the notification can use. I will be adding Subject and Body as well later. It does show up as a link but does not open a fresh email. ( I am behind, still using OE for emails)
Each Event organiser gets a Notification and this will allow them to contact the participant if there is a Query.Willy Scott
jonathanReplied on April 11, 2014 at 7:21 AM
Hi Willy,
You can use the insert/edit link tool in the e-mail editor, and will automatically detect the text if its an e-mail address. Then, it will suggest the mail to: hyperlink.
Refer to the images below when I tested this.
The tool will immediately prompt when it detects an e-mail address type of text.
The resulting e-mail message is like this
Hope this help. Inform us if you need further assistance.