Is there also a difference between editing inline & editing via the submit-button for the "Auto-Responder-Email"

  • av.wolfurt
    Asked on November 21, 2021 at 5:07 PM
    May I ask for your expertise also for this:
    Is there also a difference between editing inline & editing via the submit-button for the "Auto-Responder-Email"
  • VincentJay
    Replied on November 21, 2021 at 5:12 PM


    Could you please provide more information about your question? Are you asking the difference between the Edit Submission Link via autoresponder email and the edit the submissions with triggering the conditions or edit submission in the Jotform tables?

    We'll wait for your response. Thank you!

  • av.wolfurt
    Replied on November 21, 2021 at 5:25 PM


    I've a form with autoresponder mail configured.

    I edit the submission. Is there a different system behaviour, if I do the EDIT via

    a) open an edit link and then click on the submit button

    b) do an inline update of a cell in the tables view

    When I ask for system behaviour I mean: does it send an autoresponder email or not.
    I'm asking this, because I was teached, that the trigger of the approval workflow is influenced by how I do an update of a record. Is there also a difference for the autoresponder mailing?

    Thanks Martin

  • Jeric JotForm Support
    Replied on November 21, 2021 at 6:29 PM

    Hi there,

    Thanks for clarifying!

    So the difference is that if you set an Autoresponder through the Form Builder, every submission will trigger an auto-response that submitters get. While doing it on the table by adding a send an email button is it's only applicable to specific submissions where you want to send an auto-response.

    If you've already set an Autoresponder through the form builder, I don't think that adding a send email button that triggers auto-response on the table is necessary. It'll just result in a duplicate auto-response that submitters will receive.

    You can check these links for more info:
    -How to Send an Email with Form Data in Jotform Tables
    -Setting up an Autoresponder Email

    If you have any clarifications, let us know.


  • av.wolfurt
    Replied on November 22, 2021 at 5:14 AM



    Yes, I've a form with autoresponder mail configured in the form builder.

    The question now is, does this also trigger, if I (as the table owner) change a cell inline in the table?

    Yes, I want the autoresponder from the form to be triggerd everytime when the form is updated via the enduser (open the edit url and pressing the submit button).

    No, I don't want the enduser to get an autoresponder email, whenever I do an inline update of a cell inside the table.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks Martin

  • Basil JotForm Support
    Replied on November 22, 2021 at 6:49 AM


    The question now is, does this also trigger, if I (as the table owner) change a cell inline in the table?

    No, changing a cell value in the table doesn't trigger emails.

    Yes, I want the autoresponder from the form to be triggerd everytime when the form is updated via the enduser (open the edit url and pressing the submit button).

    No, I don't want the enduser to get an autoresponder email, whenever I do an inline update of a cell inside the table.

    Is this possible?

    The emails can be triggered when the user edits the submissions by enabling the option in the Auto-reponder/notification.

    1637581680 619b837029c45  Screenshot 10

    Emails are never sent when you edit a value in the table cell directly.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

  • av.wolfurt
    Replied on November 22, 2021 at 7:19 AM

    Thanks. That was my concern:

    No, changing a cell value in the table doesn't trigger emails. (even though there is an auto-responder hearing on edit changes)
    - "Emails are never sent when you edit a value in the table cell directly."

    That's what I expected. Thanks.