Generate Prefill URLs in Tables instead of going to Publish tab in Builder.

  • Jacques le Roux
    Asked on November 6, 2021 at 12:09 AM

    I think it would be great to allow pre-fill URL columns to be inserted into tables. In other words to have the ability to insert a column into a table of one form (say application form) and for this column to automatically generate a URL which is a link to a pre-filled second form (say legal contract to be signed by the original applicant). It would simplify workflow of application and subsequent approval and legal contract generation.

  • Amin_N
    Replied on November 6, 2021 at 2:12 AM

    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Kindly note that it's already possible to generate Prefill URLs for forms using data from Tables.

    Related guide: How-to-prefill-form-fields-with-data-from-other-tables-with-table-prefill

    However, it's not possible currently to have those Prefill URLs generated within Tables. We can escalate this as a feature request to our developers, but first, we need you to provide us with more information about what you have in mind so we can deliver it along.

    We're patiently waiting for your response.

  • Jacques_jacques_jacques749
    Replied on November 6, 2021 at 2:58 AM

    No, this is not what I mean. I understand that it is possible in terms of functionality. I am saying that it would be great if it was possible to have a field in the table which contains the pre-filled URL. From a workflow perspective this information can then be used in different ways and the process is simpler than to go back to forms->publish etc etc. It allows someone to manage the workflow in the tables view.

  • Amin_N
    Replied on November 6, 2021 at 4:11 AM

    Hi again,

    Kindly be informed that, unfortunately, it's not possible to generate Prefill URLs in Tables instead of going to Publish tab in Builder.

    However, I've successfully escalated this as a feature request to our developers. Also, please note that we can not provide you with when or if this will be implemented. If there is any update, we will inform you via this support ticket.

    Should you have any further inquiries, we will be more than happy to help.

  • Amin_N
    Replied on January 10, 2022 at 8:42 AM

    Hi again,

    Just letting you know that our developers have successfully implemented the feature you requested.

    You can try it as shown below in my screenshots.

    1641821644 61dc35cc56c80  Screenshot 10

    1641821655 61dc35d793261  Screenshot 21

    1641821669 61dc35e5652ad  Screenshot 32

    1641821678 61dc35ee192e8  Screenshot 43

    1641821781 61dc36553bf69  Screenshot 54

    Should you have any further inquiries, we will be more than happy to help.