We have a yearly Silver plan that says no branding on the plan.

  • Cynthia Bryant
    Asked on October 17, 2021 at 4:11 AM

    We have a yearly Silver plan that says no branding on the plan. We have programmed our forms, thank you, autoresponders, and notifications to match our client's website. However, when the forms are saved to be continued later, we get that "Jotform" Save your progress... screen. Then you ask our clients to sign up via Google, Facebook, or Email. Finally at the bottom is the small print they have the option to "Skip create an account". We have paid for an annual service that states no branding. Please remove all the Jotform branding because your YouTube video is not accurate, it only removes the "Powered by Jotform" statement. We have paid our money thinking we would not have branding issues. This is a deal-breaker for our client. I hope we can solve this issue because we do like to other functions of the forms. I am a solopreneur and don't have 5 users for an enterprise account. Please make this right. Thanks.

  • Basil JotForm Support
    Replied on October 17, 2021 at 7:09 AM


    Could you please attempt adding the following CSS code into your form to remove the branding on the page that you are referring to:

    .xcl-companyLogo {
     display: none;

    .xcl-button-em {
     display: none;

    .xcl-button-fb {
     display: none!important;

    .xcl-button-gl {
     display: none!important;

    .xcl-divider::before {
     display: none!important;

    .m1ba::after {
     display: inline-block!important;
     top: 20px;
     position: relative;

    .m1ba::before, .m1ba::after {
     display: inline-block!important;

    .m1ba {
      font-size: 32px!important;

     display: none!important;

    Guide to inject custom CSS:


    Please let us know if you require any further assistance.