Disable date range suddenly fail to work

  • Rexperiential
    Asked on October 16, 2021 at 11:22 PM

    Hello Jotform Support,

    Previously I have a setting to disable the availability of my datepicker 1 day after today (e.g. if today is Tuesday, Wednesday will be disabled). Previously this formula is working well, until it suddenly fails to work today. today>today+1.

    Please let me know how can I resolve this, or how can I disable my datepicker 1 day from today.

  • Vanessa_T
    Replied on October 17, 2021 at 4:39 AM

    To clarify, you simply don't want the datepicker to be available the next day? But all other dates can be selected?

    If yes, on your Date Picker Properties > Limits > Disable Custom Dates, simply add today+1.

    1634459979 616be14bb3ca7 05773 Screenshot 10

  • Rexperiential
    Replied on October 25, 2021 at 10:15 PM

    Hello Vanessa_T

    The solutions that you have suggested work for a couple of days but now it doesn't even disable the date as per what I want could you advise further?

  • Tommaso_F
    Replied on October 26, 2021 at 3:53 AM

    Hello there,

    As we can see, the today + 1 setting works. It's not possible to select tomorrow's date.

    1635234766 6177b3ce1a672  Screenshot 10

    Could you please give us more details about your concern so we can assist you properly?

  • Rexperiential
    Replied on October 29, 2021 at 12:03 AM

    Hello Jotform Support,

    When you look at your selection, you are still allowed to select 26th of October even though you shouldn't be able to select any date that are before today+1.

    If today is 26th October, What I want is

    • Selection of any date that are after 27th October E.g. 28th October.
    • Any date before 27th October (Inclusive) should be disabled.

    I went back to give setting today>today+1 on the date range. Please remove that when you are trying it out.

    1635480200 617b7288039ed  Screenshot 10

    Also do note that I am disabling Monday, Wednesday and Sunday already.1635480181 617b72753c4a9  Screenshot 21

  • Tommaso_F
    Replied on October 29, 2021 at 2:56 AM

    Hello there,

    Could you please give us more details about your concern so we can assist you properly?

    Unfortunately, your description doesn't let us provide the best support. Could you please rephrase?

    Could you please have a look at this guide https://www.jotform.com/help/337-how-to-use-the-date-limits-option/ and check if it fits you?


  • Rexperiential
    Replied on November 1, 2021 at 12:01 AM

    Hello Tommaso_F!!!

    If you edited my form do undo the edits before you exit. Your support is real bad. Let me explain what's the issues again!

    Lets Assume that today's date is 1st November.

    What I want to achieve:

    • Any date before today's date + 1 will be disabled. (E.g. since today is 1st November, any date before 2nd November will be disabled, which meant I should not be able to select 2nd November or any date before it).

    What is happening right now when I key in this "today+1" on "Disable custom date" field in the date picker is that the next day is still selectable, as shown in the screenshot below.

    1635739070 617f65bed3aa0  Screenshot 10

    When I put "today>today+1" in "disable date range" field I get what I wanted. As seen in the screenshot below(I am unable to select 2nd November now).

    1635739231 617f665f90aef  Screenshot 21

  • Patrick_R
    Replied on November 1, 2021 at 2:53 AM

    Hi there,

    Please find answers to your concerns below:

    > If you edited my form do undo the edits before you exit. Your support is real bad. Let me explain what's the issues again!

    I am not seeing any edits by my colleague in your form's edit history (screenshot attached for your reference). But in case you see something out of order, let us know.

    1635749119 617f8cff2065a  Screenshot 10

    > When I put "today>today+1" in "disable date range" field I get what I wanted. As seen in the screenshot below(I am unable to select 2nd November now).

    This filter simply tells Jotform to disable today's date and the day after it. As it is solving your purpose, you can keep on using it. But, if this is creating some issues, please specify, we'll check accordingly.

    Thank you!

  • Rexperiential
    Replied on November 3, 2021 at 9:11 AM

    Hello Patrick_R,

    1) Your colleague did edited my form. As seen in my screenshot below.

    1635943873 618285c108f99  Screenshot 10

    2)When I put "today>today+1" in "disable date range" field I am able to mimic what I wanted but I cannot achieve exactly what I want.

    Basically what I need is:

    Lets Assume that today's date is 1st November

    • Any date before today's date + 1 will be disabled. (E.g. since today is 1st November, any date before 2nd November will be disabled, which meant I should not be able to select 2nd November or any date before it).
  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on November 3, 2021 at 9:52 AM

    Let me understand your issue.

    Since today is Nov 3, 2021, you want users to only view and select dates from Nov 5, 2021 onwards. Is that correct?

    When I used "today+1" in the Disable Date Range section, I was unable to select any date before Nov 5, 2021:

    1635947525 61829405e73d3 0311 6 Screenshot 10

    As you can see Nov 3 and 4 dates are disabled.

    Please hide your existing date field, add a new Date picker field and then check.