Add fields upon click

  • Senior_Advocacy
    Asked on October 8, 2021 at 3:20 PM

    I hope you can help! I am migrating some forms over to Jotform since you are HIPAA-enabled. In particular, the form I am trying to do has a table where the user can list their medications. They have 5 rows to enter the information. Upon a click, 5 more rows will show, and so forth until the max 25 rows. Is there a way to do this in Jotform? I am attaching the current form URL and a couple photos of the functionality.

    Your quick response would be greatly appreciated since we would like this to go live right away!1633720757 616099b556682 Screen Shot 202 Screenshot 101633720756 616099b4e6f9b Screen Shot 202 Screenshot 211633720756 616099b4e998c Screen Shot 202 Screenshot 32

  • VincentJay
    Replied on October 8, 2021 at 4:34 PM


    You can use the Input Table to organize all form fields into one field. Please check the screencast below and let us know if that would work for you.

    1633725193 6160ab0966a07 ba2rtag Screenshot 10

    We'll wait for your response. Thank you!

  • Senior_Advocacy
    Replied on October 11, 2021 at 1:03 PM

    Hello, Unfortunately the Input Table will not work, and I need a header row with an input row below it. The way the fields are set up currently is how I need them to show. I have populated 15 fields but that's not optimum, and the form caters to the elderly community and they think they are required to fill all fields. In addition, I need this to go to a max of 25 fields. I was able to do this using JS, however, that's not an option because all other form platforms are not HIPAA-enabled.

    Please do let me know if you can help me.

  • VincentJay
    Replied on October 11, 2021 at 2:19 PM


    If they're the same set of questions, you can try the Configurable List widget. You can click the [+] or [add member] to show another set of fields.

    Please check this demo form:

    Please check this guide and see if this would work for you:

    Related guide: