Can't post data for my Nodejs API after submission

  • Team_Sales_salesteam
    Asked on September 27, 2021 at 7:11 PM

    I have created a webhook with my Nodejs API to send the form data after submission.

    But I the body is always empty, I tried to call the API form postman it parses the JSON body normally.

    Any clue about this issue?

  • Nikola JotForm Support
    Replied on September 28, 2021 at 7:32 AM

    Please check our API documentation:

    This is the JotForm API for NodeJS:

    For API related questions, you can also contact our API team at

  • Team_Sales_salesteam
    Replied on September 28, 2021 at 7:56 AM

    Hello Nik,

    I've already checked all those repos and the nodejs library, But my problem is different here. I'm not sending a request from nodejs app to jotform, I configured a webhook from jotform to my nodejs app. It supposed to POST the submission values to my API.

    The webhook calls my API successfully after every submission but the body is always EMPTY.

    As i mentioned before i tried to call the API from postman and it is working fine and it parses the JSON body normally.

    Hope this gives your better understanding of my problem.

  • Michal_S Jotform Support
    Replied on September 28, 2021 at 2:17 PM


    Please try the following actions:

    • Uncheck this trio of options in your Account Settings:

      1632852992 61535c007ee0f 1 Screenshot 10

    • Set your API key to Read Access instead of Full Access - it may seem foolish to you since "Full Access" should already include "Read Access", but I've seen some issues with the API before for which the Read Access worked but Full Access didn't

      1632853000 61535c0844699 2 Screenshot 21

    Also, does it work properly using RequestBin?

    Awaiting your response,

    Thank you!