Hello, I may be trying to do something different than most posts I have

  • Mike Hilliard
    Asked on September 2, 2021 at 2:58 AM

    Hello, I may be trying to do something different than most posts I have seen. I have tried reading all of the comments and posts on this subject but unlike the others I DO NOT want the save button to appear at all. I DO NOT want our users to be able to save and finish later. I want them to submit what they have regardless. I have tried disabling the "Continue Forms Later" but the Save button is still at the bottom. When I hit the Save button it then gives me a window that I don't want to see that says "You have a draft of this form. You can continue your draft or discard and start with a blank form" It then give two icons with options "Discard & Start Over" and "Continue with Draft". If it is not possible to eliminate the Save button and this additional window I will have to teach people not to hit the Save button at all but was hoping it could be removed. I found one support ticket that discussed adding some code. I copied and added that code but it still did not remove the save button. If there is not a way to totally remove the button you can just reply here and tell me that. If there is, please see the next paragraph.
    Can someone contact me by phone to discuss this please? I wasn't sure if I should list my phone number in this post so if you don't have it, let me know and I can. I appreciate your assistance.

  • Anita_K
    Replied on September 2, 2021 at 8:42 AM


    thank you for reaching out to us. We do not have phone support but we are happy to help you here on the forum. Disabling the continue later option should remove the save button. If this doesn't happen, please share the link to the form you are working on so that we can check this.

    Looking forward to your reply.