I get this when I try to add Apple Pay?

  • Anjeanette Ridner Hoer
    Asked on August 3, 2021 at 10:35 PM

    I get this when I try to add Apple Pay?
    Add a new domain
    In order to register your domain with Apple, you will need to first verify your ownership of the domain.
    Provide the domain where the file will be hosted
    Input the top-level domain (e.g. stripe.com) or sub-domain (e.g. shop.stripe.com) that you wish to enable Apple Pay for.
    Download verification file…
    Host the verification file
    You'll need to host the verification file you downloaded above at your domain in the following location:

  • Niko_N
    Replied on August 4, 2021 at 6:29 AM

    Greetings Anjeanette,

    I've checked and tested the Stripe checkout integration and could not replicate the issues.

    Could you please provide additional details on which page you are getting those requirements from? You may also take a screenshot and post it here by following this guide:


    We are looking forward to your reply;

    Thank you!