It is written above:"8.

  • iondjp
    Asked on July 27, 2021 at 9:40 PM

    It is written above:

    "8. The Prefilled URLs are now created. Each of the Prefilled URLs is labeled based on the user's name from the selected table."

    Can you explain this more? My test just use an email address field on my form which I created for another purpose.

    Is there a way to chose which field is used to label each Prefill URL?

  • Gaetan_B
    Replied on July 28, 2021 at 7:28 AM


    Thank you for reaching out.

    It is not possible. The way this works is that it generates a unique token for the submission you have selected.

    Whether you'd choose another field or not won't change that token generation (even if two people have the same name, we still check the submission to make sure we do not generate the same token twice), so this is why we do not provide an option to choose on which field can be used to label the prefill URL.

    Best regards