Can I set up an approval flow so that a form template can be sent to a

  • Amy_Collins_amy
    Asked on June 17, 2021 at 7:57 PM

    Can I set up an approval flow so that a form template can be sent to a person for a signature, then sent to a second person for a second signature, then sent to a third person for a final signature, if I won't know the email address of the third recipient until just before I need to send the form?

    I have a form that a teacher will fill out and sign. They will then have to send the form with their signature to management for a second signature. Management will then need to send that form to a third party (a parent) but we won't be able to send it until the first 2 signatures have been collected. How do we set this up?

  • Rehan Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 18, 2021 at 3:36 AM


    Yes, you can create an approval flow by adding conditional logic to it. You can trigger emails when a specific field in your form is filled. We have a detailed guide available on how you can add conditions in your approvals on the link below.

    Kindly check the guide and let us know if you have any questions.
