I'd like to have a column in the sheet which represents the file upload

  • siouxmaeb
    Asked on June 8, 2021 at 9:03 AM

    I'd like to have a column in the sheet which represents the file upload URLs from the GDrive integration

    How to achieve this?

  • Tommaso_F
    Replied on June 8, 2021 at 10:02 AM

    In which Sheet do you want to add a link to your Google Drive folder? JotForm Sheets?

    If so, you can add a new column on the Sheets page of your form and insert a link of your Google Drive folder. 

    1570033668drive1 Screenshot 10

    If I did not understand your question correctly, please explain in more detail what exactly are you trying to achieve. 

  • siouxmaeb
    Replied on June 8, 2021 at 1:58 PM


    Actually I meant something different:

    I have an file upload element in my form and I've also the GDrive Integration active.
    Once I upload a file to the form, this file then is sent to GDrive. Next I've the Google Sheet integration active which means that all the jotform form fields are sent to a google sheet.

    Since the answer table of my form does only have a column with the uploaded file pointing to an URL from jotforms, also the google sheet column (its values) do point to the jotform file.

    I actually wanted a google sheet, which containts a colum for this uploaded file pointing to the gdrive file (which was created by jotform integration and represents the uploaded file)

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 8, 2021 at 9:50 PM

    If you mean you would like to add the Google Drive URL of the uploaded file in Google Sheet instead of the Jotform URL, unfortunately, it's not possible with the current integration we have. There is no way to link the GSHEET and GDRIVE integration as they work separately.

    A workaround would be to use third-party applications (e.g. Zapier or Integromat) to integrate the form with GDRIVE and GSHEET. Upload the file first in Google Drive then pass the generated URL to Google Sheet.

    Here's an example (I used Zapier):

    1623203202 60c01d822dcfd  Screenshot 10

    First, send the upload to Google Drive:

    1623203285 60c01dd54fe18  Screenshot 21

    Then create a Google Sheet that has columns corresponding to the fields you have in the form.

    Pass the Google Drive URL of the uploaded file in the above steps to a column in Google Sheet:

    1623203394 60c01e4246c5b  Screenshot 32

    And that's it! It should work as you intended.