Save and Continue later: Ability to remove the create an account popup when the user clicks on Save button

  • opm_it
    Asked on April 21, 2021 at 9:18 PM

    Good day , i would like to remove the create an account pop up when a use clicks save. how can this be done , it should go directly to the screen that appears when a user click skip create account.

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on April 22, 2021 at 3:45 AM

    We are sorry that it is not possible to hide/remove the popup when the Save button is clicked. This is intended to save the progress of the from directly in the user's account if created.

    1619077338 608128dab8f96  Screenshot 10

    If the account is not created, the saved session is still accessible from the link copied or sent to the user's email.

    I am sending a feature request to our backend team for evaluation of your request. However, I cannot promise that it'll be implemented nor cannot provide any ETA at the moment. If there is any news, we'll let you know here.
