I'm stuck and hope you can answer quickly.

  • Chuck Schaeffer
    Asked on March 18, 2021 at 9:28 PM

    I'm stuck and hope you can answer quickly. I have a couple of tables and forms I would like to eliminate. I used them for learning Jotform and now I dont need them. Are the instructions simple, and quick to follow?

    They will get me unstuck and moving forward.


    Chuck Schaeffer

    PS - VERY new user

  • KrisLei Jotform Support
    Replied on March 19, 2021 at 2:05 AM

    Hello Chuck,

    To my understanding, you would like to delete some of your forms from your account, correct? You can delete the forms, as it will delete the data submissions along with it:

    1. Go to the My Forms page
    2. Select the form that you want to delete
    3. Click on the delete button

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    However, if you would like to delete the form's submissions, you can delete them from the Tables page: How-to-delete-form-submission-data.

    Please be also reminded to purge the deleted submission in the Trashed entries, to delete them and free some space on your account permanently:

    Delete Trashed Entries

    If you want to delete the trashed submissions, follow these steps permanently:

    1. Click the three vertical dots icon on the main submissions tab.
    2. Click the Trashed entries option.
    3. 2020 10 11 016 Screenshot 21
    4. In the trash section, check the Select All option.
    5. Click the Delete Forever button, and confirm the deletion in the popup window. Then you’re done!

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    Entries that have been in the trash for more than 30 days will automatically be deleted. 

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you need further assistance.