I can't figure out to get {address:postal} to populate a separate field

  • scholaschools
    Asked on March 11, 2021 at 8:56 AM

    I can't figure out to get {address:postal} to populate a separate field. You cannot do a 'update/calculate' with just {address:postal} nor does it work to make {address:postal} the default value for a hidden text field.

    Any ideas? I need a way to extrapolate the value of the zipcode on the same form to be sent elsewhere - not in the confirmation email.

  • Nikola JotForm Support
    Replied on March 11, 2021 at 11:51 AM

    It is not possible to strip address field data on the form. It can only be stripped in Email Alerts.

    As a workaround, add another address field to the form and disable all fields in the second address field except Postal / Zip Code. Then pass the data from the first address field to the second address field with the conditional logic.

    1615480774 604a47c6efa0a address Screenshot 10

    1615480800 604a47e0dd455 addresscond Screenshot 21

    Related Guide: How to Pass Field Value to Another Field?

    However, please note that in the backend the second address field will still have other data as well, so if you try to pass data to a third field, it will pass all data, not just the Postal / Zip Code.

    Another option is to use a separate field to collect Postal / Zip Code.

  • scholaschools
    Replied on March 11, 2021 at 11:54 AM

    Thanks Nik! I figured it out with that same method and made a different comment in the original thread a few minutes later. Appreciate you following up! Take care.