How does this, or does it at all, work with cases in Salesforce?

  • Kendal Orrison
    Asked on November 19, 2020 at 4:25 AM

    How does this, or does it at all, work with cases in Salesforce? We run our help desk in Salesforce and would LOVE to make online forms for Salesforce in Jotform that could populate fields in a new case. Right now all we can do it use email-to-case to send an email with the form data into Salesforce which doesn't populate any case fields.I feel like you are so close yet so far away from this functionality.Thank you.

  • Vick_W Jotform Support
    Replied on November 19, 2020 at 5:02 AM

    Hi Kendal,

    On a good note, I will have to disagree with you on this :). The new integration does allow the creation of cases and populate fields in Cases as well. Please check the instructions below.

    While integrating SalesForce New integration the second option is to "Select An Object". Here you can write "CASE" and all the available objects realted to CASES in SalesForce will appear as you can see below.

    1605779840 5fb64180310b4  Screenshot 10

    In the next step, you can select the fields that you'd like to populate as a result of JotForm submission.

    1605779919 5fb641cf86ae8  Screenshot 21

    Then click on Save Action and complete the integration.

    1605779981 5fb6420dd63dd  Screenshot 32

    I've sent a test submission on SalesForce and you can see the Case with the populated fields below.

    1605780069 5fb6426565032  Screenshot 43

    You can create a new form and test the new integration and see if it fulfills your requirements.

    If you have any questions or concerns then please let us know here.


  • Kendal Orrison
    Replied on November 19, 2020 at 8:38 AM

    Excellent! That's super exciting. I'll start playing around again.