Do you provide upgraded plans for free for nonprofits?

  • dylnadmin
    Asked on October 20, 2020 at 10:23 AM

    Do you provide upgraded plans for free for nonprofits?

    We are a small nonprofit and just started using your forms. When we archive a form, can we still see the submissions and data? What's the difference between an archived form and a disabled form? Does an archived form count towards the 5 form limit? Thank you.

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on October 20, 2020 at 12:15 PM

    Do you provide upgraded plans for free for nonprofits?

    Please note that we offer discount for non-profit organization. Please click on the following URL to apply for non-profit discounts and upload relevant documents: 

    Once your non-profit discount is approved, you will get 50% discount on all of our subscription plans.

    When we archive a form, can we still see the submissions and data?

    When you archive a form, you can still see the submission data that you have received in that form. Please note that free account has 500 submission storage limits. When you reach the submission storage limit, all submissions in excess of 500 submissions will be deleted automatically. When you receive a new submission, the oldest submission will be deleted and new one will be saved. If the oldest submission is in archived form, that submission will be deleted.

    What's the difference between an archived form and a disabled form?

    When you archive form, it will not be counted towards your form limit but disabled forms will be counted.

    Does an archived form count towards the 5 form limit?

    No, achieved forms will not be counted towards the form limit of your account. If you archive your form and you have reached form limit, you will not be able to unarchive your form.

    You may like to take a look at the following guide for more information on account usage and limits:

    Hope this helps.

    Do get back to us if you have any questions.