view orders generated in the invoice

  • designgurl37
    Asked on October 20, 2020 at 10:17 AM

    what good is generating a form where it invoices the customer if I cannot go back and see what the invoice was for!? I can see on my submissions that they submitted an order and were invoiced for it....but it does not list what product the client ordered when you have it set up to invoice them. That is frustrating and essentially makes all this work pointless.

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on October 20, 2020 at 11:52 AM

    There were actually 4 ways on how you can see the products they ordered:

    1. ) via the Submissions page:

    1603208861 5f8f069df3333  Screenshot 10

    2.) via the INBOX page:

    1603208958 5f8f06fe072fe  Screenshot 21

    3.) via the PDF Editor - Here you can see the actual copy of the invoice for each submission:

    1603209060 5f8f0764cde26  Screenshot 32

    4.) And lastly, you shall receive an email notification every time a new submission is received. This also contains details of the orders:

    1603209153 5f8f07c15b80b  Screenshot 43

  • designgurl37
    Replied on October 20, 2020 at 1:45 PM

    Yes, one of my forms does that, which is the one you screenshot above. However, another of my forms does not, no matter which of those options I try - except digging through my inbox for the emails, which is a pain. It only shows me an invoice number. Please advise. Thanks1603215900 5f8f221c0e899 Screen Shot 202 Screenshot 10

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on October 20, 2020 at 3:57 PM

    I believe you are referring to this form: Cookie Momsta DFW.

    It seems the issue is that the Paypal field is not required, so the user can submit it without even selecting from the products:

    1603223762 5f8f40d213913  Screenshot 10

    Please make it REQUIRED so that'll prevent the issue.

    Also, I saw you have broken conditions here:

    1603223805 5f8f40fd76e1a  Screenshot 21

    I suggest fixing them or remove them from the form if no longer needed.

    Please try that and let us know how it goes.