Unable to make integromat integration working

  • MrWindfall
    Asked on September 30, 2020 at 7:43 AM


    I have followed the instructions above for a very simple form that requires name and surname but i get the following error:

    Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).

    Missing value of required parameter 'Key'.

  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 30, 2020 at 11:03 AM

    Hi there,

    I tested Integromat Integration and I haven't got any issues after starting the workflow.

    1601477695 5f749c3f94fd3 test (22) Screenshot 10Please double-check the settings from your Microsoft Word Template module and make sure that you have mapped the fields correctly and make sure the key from your word template matches what you have on your Microsoft word module.

    It would also be great if you can share with us a screenshot of the error, so it would be easy for us to know where that error is occurring.

    Guide: how-to-post-screenshots-to-our-support-forum

    We look forward to your response.

  • MrWindfall
    Replied on September 30, 2020 at 12:09 PM

    When I run the scenario to test, it doesn't pass the step 'waiting for data'. So I have to force stop:Unable to make integromat integration working Image 10

    When I complete the form, this is the error that I get:

    Unable to make integromat integration working Image 21

    And the word document that I use

    Unable to make integromat integration working Image 32


  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 30, 2020 at 2:07 PM


    Since the issue occurs on your 3rd module, can you please try recreating your Microsoft Word Template module and see if that'll help.

    Here's how I configured mine.

    1601489130 5f74c8ea06f63 test (29) Screenshot 10

    Maybe you can copy the same configuration to see if it'll work. Just make sure the change the"key" value that should match the tags from your Microsoft word template.

    Please give it a try and let us know if the issue still persists.

  • MrWindfall
    Replied on September 30, 2020 at 2:33 PM

    Thank you, It works! I had 2 issues:

    1) I was writing the key parameters in double brackets (like in the word file) but they had to be without

    2) the values that I was trying to retrieve were under Request/Name/Last Name and /../First Name and they appeared blank in the word file.

    Then I tried the variables called q6_name/first and q6_name/last. It works!

    Now I am trying to find how they ended up under this variable.

    answers Screenshot 10



  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 30, 2020 at 6:44 PM

    Glad to hear that it is working now.

    1) I was writing the key parameters in double brackets (like in the word file) but they had to be without

    Correct, it should be without the brackets.

    2) the values that I was trying to retrieve were under Request/Name/Last Name and /../First Name and they appeared blank in the word file.

    Then I tried the variables called q6_name/first and q6_name/last

    Not sure if you how you get those variables, I checked mine and it doesn't have those. Using the variables under Request/Name is works fine on my end.

    Since the integration is now working, do you still require any assistance with this?

    Let us know if you need further assistance. and we'll be happy to help you.

  • MrWindfall
    Replied on October 1, 2020 at 4:58 AM

    Everything is ok now. Thank you so much for your help!