When confirmation email is sent, why does it go to "all registered" rec

  • pvuimpact
    Asked on September 3, 2020 at 11:58 AM

    When confirmation email is sent, why does it go to "all registered" recipients instead of each individual registrant. We attempted to send the access link to a Zoom webinar via our JotForm Registration form/document. Instead of going to each registrant separately, it went to all registrants as a group mail distribution list. What happened?

  • KrisLei Jotform Support
    Replied on September 3, 2020 at 2:14 PM


    I assumed that you are referring to this form, 202117891611046, it has the most recent last edit date on your list of forms.

    To clarify, are you integrating the form to Zoom? Kindly provide us the form in question, if you are referring to a different form? As I have verified the form have two Autoresponder Emails that is set up:

    1599156780autoresponder Screenshot 10

    However, I can see that both are properly set up, and the email recipients are set to the email fields on the form. 

    Thank you. Looking forward to your response.

  • pvuimpact
    Replied on September 3, 2020 at 5:28 PM
    Thank you for your email. I was not aware that each email recipient would
    be able to see everyone's email address and name. That's what concerns
    me. Also, does Jot Form offer any technical support if we experience
    difficulty on the day of the event, or is that strictly a Zoom issue?
  • KrisLei Jotform Support
    Replied on September 3, 2020 at 7:02 PM

     I was not aware that each email recipient would
    be able to see everyone's email address and name. That's what concerns

    My Apologies for the confusion again. The autoresponder email will only be sent to the form submitter, it should be received by the registrant separately. As I can see you have set it up correctly on the email settings, in which the recipient is the Email Address field on your form:

    1599173642email log Screenshot 10

    This means that the email will be sent to the email address based on the user's input. Can you provide us with a screenshot in which you are showing that the email is sent to everyone? 

    Also, does Jot Form offer any technical support if we experience
    difficulty on the day of the event, or is that strictly a Zoom issue?

    If you are referring to the Zoom session, yes, Zoom Support should be able to handle it, our support covers only the form and Zoom Integration, such as when the data is not passing on Zoom. 

    Let us know if you need additional information.

  • KrisLei Jotform Support
    Replied on September 3, 2020 at 7:04 PM

    My apologies, just in case you would like to post screenshots of the issue please follow this guide: How-to-Post-Screenshots-to-Our-Support-Forum, as we are unable to view images attached to emails.

    Thank you.