Can't complete PayPal Business Integration

  • compasseducation
    Asked on August 30, 2020 at 12:01 PM

    I have a Business Paypal Account for my Non-Profit organisation that I want to integrate to Jotform but when I click "Cennect" I typed in PayPal log in detail, it send me to the paypal account without any confimation message. Also there is a message "Don't see the secure PayPal browser? we'll help you re-launch the window to complete your flow..." but when I click "Continue" it did not take me anywhere. Please advise.

  • Ariel JotForm Support
    Replied on August 30, 2020 at 12:41 PM

    Hi there,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    It would be helpful if you can provide more detail on the issue you were facing.

    Please share the URL of the form you're working on. -Where to Find My Form URL.

    If the form is embedded, please share with us the URL of the page where the form is embedded.

    You can send us screenshots to better illustrate the issue. -How to Post Screenshots to Our Support Forum.

    You can also send us screenshots of the console log if it shows any errors. -How to get a console report from most common browsers.

    For the meantime, try clearing your browser's cache, or connecting your PayPal Business account in incognito or private mode, see if the problem persists. Let us know how it goes.

    We'll be waiting for your reply.