Quantity Discount Pricing

  • ccbankmarketing
    Asked on August 28, 2020 at 12:35 PM


    This one might be a little tricky, but I have a few order forms on my site, and our company offers quantity discounts. Is there a way for me to manually enter pricing for specific quantities of an item? I don't want percentage based discounts, because that's not how our system works. I would have to manually enter in the price for each increase quantity from 1-20 and then after 20, there would be no further discount. Please let me know.

  • enterprisesupportteam
    Replied on August 28, 2020 at 1:56 PM

    Hello @svenjamsa,

    Thank you for contacting our support team.

    If you are looking to calculate discounts for your order forms and manually enter those discounts before your customers make a paymet, you will need to create a multi-step order form. This would consist of your customers selecting their products and submitting without payment, you then check their orders and manually enter the discount if it applies, and finally send the form back to the customer for final payment. Does this sound like it would work?

    Unfortunately, there is no other way to manually adjust the purchase totals on your forms.

    You can set special pricing for your product quantities, however, this will only account for quantities of each product, not for the total quantity of all products selected. 

    If you are interested in the product special pricing you can learn more in this helpful user guide: What-is-Special-Pricing

    May we know a bit more details of how you will calculate the discounts? Perhaps we can find a workaround for you.

    We look forward to your response.

  • ccbankmarketing
    Replied on September 10, 2020 at 4:36 PM

    "You can set special pricing for your product quantities, however, this will only account for quantities of each product, not for the total quantity of all products selected."

    That is what I need.

    For example,  if the person viewing it selects 1, the price might be $50, but if they select 2, then it might be $48, but if they select 3, it might go all the way down to $35. There really isn't a percentage difference. Our pricing software is based off material usage. I just need to go into each product and manually set the price based on what quantity they select for that specific item. Not the total quantity on the entire form.

  • enterprisesupportteam
    Replied on September 10, 2020 at 5:43 PM

    Hello @svenjamsa,

    Great, thank you for the update. If this feature will work for you then you certainly can take advantage of it.

    Here is a quick screen recording to demonstrate how you can enable the Special Pricing per Quantity feature in your products list. I will also provide a helpful user guide below for reference.

    1599774091 5f5a9d8be0121 portalSpecialPr Screenshot 10

    Related User Guide: What-is-Special-Pricing

  • ccbankmarketing
    Replied on September 10, 2020 at 5:44 PM

    Yeah I saw that right after I submitted that response. Thank you!

  • enterprisesupportteam
    Replied on September 10, 2020 at 5:46 PM

    Sure thing.

    On behalf of the JotForm support team, you are most welcome.

    Please do not hesitate to reach out again if you have any further questions or concerns, we are always happy to help.