Can I dynamically load images based on URL parameters?

  • Zach
    Asked on August 25, 2020 at 5:26 PM

    I am working with a school district that contains many schools. As a part of our solution, we are supplying a form to be used by all of the schools. The schools would like their unique school logo to appear at the top of the form. 

    We could solve this problem by creating 1 unique form per school, but that will create major change control issues.

    Is there a way to dynamically load an image based on URL parameters, the same way you can prepopulate fields using parameters? 

    If not, do you have another suggestion?


  • Vanessa_T
    Replied on August 25, 2020 at 10:19 PM

    Yes, that is possible using prepopulated URL and conditions.


    Simply add a dropdown field that will list the school names. Then add each school logo using different Image fields. Lastly, create a condition that will display the corresponding image based on the answer on the dropdown field.


    1598408340B Screenshot 10

    Note that you can also hide the dropdown field if you do not want it to be displayed:
