Conditional logic to send the Autoresponder Email is not working

  • SmartHealthcare
    Asked on July 10, 2020 at 9:14 AM


    I'm creating conditional logic;

    1) IF Business Type IS FILLED SEND Autoresponder EMAIL TO {email}

    2) IF Business Type IS EQUAL TO "A Shop" SEND Notification EMAIL TO Cos@***.com

    3) IF Business Type IS EQUAL TO "B Shop" SEND Notification EMAIL TO Ben@***.com

    As a result of the Testing, I got the each Email, Email "cos@***.com" and "ben@***.com".

    but I can not any Email through the Autoresponder.

    plz, could you check it?

  • BJoanna
    Replied on July 10, 2020 at 10:42 AM

    Please provide us a link of the form you are working on. 

    Where to Find My Form URL?