Embedded forms do not resize the iFrame code properly and submit button does not show.

  • JaguarPrint
    Asked on June 22, 2020 at 4:37 PM

    We are having an issue on rare occasion with our forms. When people fill out the form and get to the bottom, the Submit button will sometimes disappear and they cannot then submit the form. A page refresh generally fixes this but also wipes their information. Is there something that could be causing this to happen?

  • Amjad_A
    Replied on June 22, 2020 at 7:03 PM

    Hi there, @Owlstamp!

    Thank you for contacting Support.

    I have checked your forms and submitted a few form submissions from different browsers to encounter the issue but I am not able to find what is causing the button to disappear.  However, If you could share more detail about the issue so I would be able to look into this closely. Have you embedded the form to an external website? if yes, Please mention the website link so I can have a look.

    Looking forward to your response.

  • JaguarPrint
    Replied on June 23, 2020 at 10:36 AM
  • Bert_A
    Replied on June 23, 2020 at 11:40 AM


    Thank you for sharing the information.

    I see that you did not use the iFrame code of your form to embed it on your website.

    We'd strongly recommend that you use the iFrame as it is the most optimal embedding method, please see the following guide: https://www.jotform.com/help/148-Getting-the-Form-iFrame-Code

     hope that helps, let me know should you have further questions.

  • JaguarPrint
    Replied on June 23, 2020 at 12:16 PM

    I have set all pages to the iFrame code. On https://www.owlstamp.com/upload.html we are not having a submit button appear even though it appears on the form itself. 


    Edit: The button seems to appear when we check off the terms and conditions box.

  • roneet
    Replied on June 23, 2020 at 1:10 PM

    Please re-embed the form using the iFrame code but this time increase the height property to 1200px or 1300px.

          title="File Upload Form"
          allow="geolocation; microphone; camera"
          min-width: 100%;

    Let us know how it goes.


  • JaguarPrint
    Replied on June 26, 2020 at 10:14 AM

    Neither 1200 or 1300 for the iframe settings work. The submit button is still missing.

  • roneet
    Replied on June 26, 2020 at 11:23 AM

    I still see the height as 993px. I have suggested the iFrame code according to this page of yours:


    Please re-embed the form using the iFrame code. I have put an important property after it.

          title="File Upload Form"
          allow="geolocation; microphone; camera"
          min-width: 100%;

    Let us know how it goes.


  • JaguarPrint
    Replied on June 26, 2020 at 11:28 AM

    I have went and copied exactly as you put your iframe with still no luck. The front end inspect does not show the proper code that is actually on the backend.

  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 26, 2020 at 2:10 PM

    It's possible that changes have not been applied on your website editor, if you see the code properly updated on the back-end, this should be showing on your page, kindly check if you can somehow clear your site cache to push the updates. 

    I have checked your pages as well and noticed the problem persists, I noticed you have included the full iFrame code including the JavaScript code which should resize the iFrame properly. This may also be a conflict with the resources on your site, are you using a website builder or a specific theme? 

    That will also help us finding what the conflict may be. 

    Looking forward to your response.