How to allow users to edit submisisons?

  • Gavin Godby
    Asked on June 1, 2020 at 9:08 AM


    I wish to use jotforms within worpdress which I have done in the past succesfully.

    However, in the current project I am developing (no website so far). I want user to be able to have users fill in and submit a form with some file uploads and then on a subsequent visit be able to modify the submitted form. Is that possible?


  • Bojan Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 1, 2020 at 10:33 AM

     Greetings and thank you for your message.

    To allow your users to edit the submission, you need to create Autoresponder email. This message will be sent to every user which submits the form. You are able to add a submission edit link in the Autoresponder, which your users can click on, and update the submission.

    Please note that this will not open your website, but original JotForm. 

    You can click here to see how to set up an Autoresponder email.

    You can add the edit link from the From Fields dropdown in the Autoresponder email:

    How to allow users to edit submisisons? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Please let us know if this solution will work for you and if you have additional questions.