I need a 'double opt-in' for my email list subscribers

  • DTWCoaching
    Asked on May 19, 2020 at 10:24 AM

    Hi there - I need a 'double opt-in' for my email list subscribers - in order to comply with GDPR

    On my current form, they have to check a box to be included in the newsletter

    I want them to receive an Autoresponder that confirms if they want to be on the list.

    When designing the Autoresponder, what do I place in the email content box to ensure they receive a link back to the Mailchimp sign-up

    Many thanks


  • Eduardo_Ca Jotform Support
    Replied on May 19, 2020 at 10:50 AM

    Hello @DTWCoaching

    You can enable a double opt-in on MailChimp integration by checking the option Send Opt-in Email during setup.

    1589899644Screenshot Screenshot 10

    This way the user will receive a subscription confirmation message directly from MailChimp. There is no need to set up an autoresponder.

    I hope could help. Let us know if you need further assistance.