Comparing before and after results

  • SpringCoaching
    Asked on April 13, 2020 at 6:09 PM


    I have a before and after questionnaire for participants who have completed a 12 week challenge with me. Each participant has completed the questionnaire before the challenge and then a second questionnaire (with most of the same questions) after the challenge. I want to be able to link up the two surveys and compare the results to measure progress. Is it possible to do this in jotform? Ideally I'd like to create a report for each participant. Could you please help me?

    Kind regards


  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on April 13, 2020 at 8:44 PM

    Hello Josie,

    You can create form reports for each form and get the data for participants.

    Please check this related guide: How-to-Create-Form-Reports-in-JotForm 

    The form reports will need to be created for each form separately.

    OR you can use our Combine Submissions integration, combine the data from both forms and then create excel files to compare the data.

    Do review and let us know which one would suit your requirement.