Spreadsheet widget - Separate data into each own cells when exported to Excel

  • CEAExecutive
    Asked on April 1, 2020 at 9:04 PM

    It is not allowing me to take this list and just get the names of all the delegates in alpha order. It is a big mess of names. I have tried to follow the steps but it still gives them to me just as the screen shot I sent to you. I just want last names and first names in alpha on one vertical list

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on April 2, 2020 at 12:15 AM

    If you're referring to this form: 2020 Reporting form for Local Delegates and Alternates to the 2020 Delegate Assembly , I can see that you have used SPREADSHEET widget to capture the names:

    Spreadsheet widget   Separate data into each own cells when exported to Excel Image 10

    Note that this widget's data is being added to the submission as a single field. So when you export it to Excel, you'll see that all the data in this table is placed on a single cell.

    You can try using Excel functions to separate the data into different cells. Though this might be a bit tedious, you can try this method: Text-To-Columns-Excel