Adding plain text disclaimer in email submission - is there a character limit?

  • ArthurJacksonCo
    Asked on November 25, 2019 at 4:20 PM

    Hi there, 

    One of our clients has a pretty lengthy text disclaimer that needs to appear in the email submission, due to the sensitivity and type of data that is being collected and sent via the HIPAA-enabled form. The goal is to have the plain text show up at the end of the form.

    I found the tutorial above that instructed how adding text to the email submission table could be a solution for this to work. At first it seemed to be fine, but after exiting the edit form mode and re-entering to confirm if all the text was saved, the text was cut off. It's almost as if there is a character-limit on how much text can be entered? Is this something that can be resolved? At the moment, I've added an image to replace the "text" issue but ideally we can use the text instead of the image. Please note that this issue doesn't happen on this Jotform account, but on our client's account. Please advise on what we can do to solve this issue and if there is any other additional information needed. 

    Thanks so much! 

    Cristina Caudill

    A+L Development 

  • Mike
    Replied on November 25, 2019 at 7:58 PM

    Unfortunately, there is a technical limit. The email template (source code) is limited to ~65,535 bytes/characters.

    Adding plain text disclaimer in email submission   is there a character limit? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    According to our developers, this limit cannot be changed.

    As a workaround, this should be possible to use a PDF Attachment option to provide the users with customized PDFs. However, the PDFs must be password-protected for HIPAA-enabled accounts, so you will need to share the PDF password with the users somehow.

    Adding plain text disclaimer in email submission   is there a character limit? Image 2 Screenshot 41

  • ArthurJacksonCo
    Replied on December 3, 2019 at 10:50 AM

    Thanks so much for your response! We'll review with our client to confirm what the best course of action is.