Condition page: Is there an option to disable all conditions in one go?

  • Alpine365
    Asked on October 11, 2019 at 8:15 AM
    3) To stop unauthorised users of my forms I use URL "queries" (?) that add some data into a hidden field, and if that data is not present then the main form does not show; if these conditions are active I cannot easily preview the form. I know I can disable conditions, but it would also be useful for a quick "disable all conditions" options (my forms have a LOT of conditions)
  • Ivaylo JotForm Support
    Replied on October 11, 2019 at 10:21 AM

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to disable all conditions with one click at the moment.

    However, we can submit a feature request for you. So, the dev team may consider to implement this in future.

    Can you please provide more information about how this disable option should work? Should it disable only a certain type of conditions or it should disable all conditions (regardless of the type)?

    We will wait for your response.