Embedded Form: Form is stuck on 'Please wait' after submit

  • Bufalini
    Asked on September 24, 2024 at 8:49 PM

    I've seen multiple other folks with this issue, I tried a few suggestions but it has not worked.

    For browsers I have tried:

    • Chrome (Version 129.0.6668.70 (Official Build) (64-bit))
    • DuckDuckGo (version 0.89.3)
    • Edge (Version 129.0.2792.52 (Official build) (64-bit)

    All three work if I just open the form in a browser (form.jotform.com...) and I have received an email from jotform to both the sender and the recipient.

    None of the three work if it is embedded in WordPress, though it had in the past when I first tried. I put the recommended html in a "custom HTML" block in WordPress. It stays on "Please Wait," and no emails are sent.

    The form is https://form.jotform.com/242666148642159

    The embed code for this form for WordPress is: [embed]https://form.jotform.com/form/242666148642159[/embed]

    This is my first try with Jotform, this is a free form, any help is appreciated!

    Jotform Thread 19353031 Screenshot
  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 24, 2024 at 9:34 PM

    Hi MIchael,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I cloned your form, added it to my WordPress site, and it is working as expected. Check this out:

    Embedded Form: Form is stuck on Please wait after submit Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Can you confirm if the issue is still happening? It maybe a temporary issue only. I've gone ahead and cleared your form cache as a precaution.

    If the issue still persists, kindly allow us to make a test submission directly to your form, so we can further inspect what's causing it.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • Bufalini
    Replied on September 25, 2024 at 10:26 AM

    Thanks for the quick response. I tried the same form that I had submitted above in my webpage, with the same problem. I cloned it, updated the embed reference in my page, same problem. I cleared my webpage cache as I tested this, I don't know how to clear the form cache.

    I only tried this in Chrome through my webpage this time.

    You are welcome to try it on my site, https://equifinalitysolutions.com/speaking/.

    Also note there is a simpler jotform form on the main page of this site (https://equifinalitysolutions.com/) that is experiencing the same problem.


  • Bilal JotForm Support
    Replied on September 25, 2024 at 11:11 AM

    Hi Michael,

    I tried to submit a test submission on your embedded forms and I can confirm that the form is stuck please wait when submitted. Can you try and remove the form from your website and try embedding it again after clearing your form caches?

    It's easy to embed your form on a WordPress site. Let me show you how to do it:

    1. In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on Publish.
    2. Click on Embed in the menu on the left side of the page.
    3. Select WordPress, and click on the Copy Code button.
    4. Now, paste the code onto the website and click on Save on the top-right side of the page. That's it.

    Embedded Form: Form is stuck on Please wait after submit Image 1 Screenshot 30 Now, your form is embedded on your website. Check out the screencast below to see an example of how it'll look:

    Embedded Form: Form is stuck on Please wait after submit Image 2 Screenshot 41 You can also check out this guide to learn more about our WordPress plugin.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • Bufalini
    Replied on September 25, 2024 at 8:51 PM

    Thank you for the continued support. My problem continues. I have created a new block in WordPress, cloned the form in jotform, I've tried both the wordpress embed code ([embed]https://...[embed] and I have also tried it without the [embed], I have cleared both the form cache and flushed the WP cache, all ends up with the same "please wait" error. I double-checked just loading the jotform form directly in the browser, and that works fine. I've tried this with both of the forms that I've created, including the simpler contact form.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Bufalini
    Replied on September 25, 2024 at 8:52 PM

    And yes, I did review the guide that you supplied, thank you.

  • Bufalini
    Replied on September 25, 2024 at 9:03 PM

    Also--I created a new page, nothing in it but a page title and a container with a Custom HTML block, with the [embed] code. Same result, "please wait."

    The page is https://equifinalitysolutions.com/jotform-test/

    The code that I put in the Custom HTML block, which includes the URL for the form (which is the basic contact form) is: [embed]https://form.jotform.com/form/242687932095165[/embed]

    I cleared form and WP cache.

  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 25, 2024 at 9:47 PM

    Hi Michael,

    I tested your website, and I can easily replicate the issue, so I created a ticket and escalated this to our Developers. Although we don't know exactly when it'll be fixed, we’ll circle back to this thread when we have an update.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

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