Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form?

  • rafal zerlak
    Asked on September 20, 2024 at 9:12 AM

    Dear Support,

    we would like to improve our selling bag form.

    are we able to build a step form like attached example?

    which form template you might recommend to get next stage / step of the form including file submission too?

    Thank you

    R Zerlak

    Jotform Thread 19213381 Screenshot
  • Royce JotForm Support
    Replied on September 20, 2024 at 9:57 AM

    Hi Rafal,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

  • Royce JotForm Support
    Replied on September 20, 2024 at 10:58 AM

    Hi Rafal,

    You've mentioned that you want to improve your form. I've checked the website you've provided, and I saw a form that is associated with a different Jotform account. I suggest browsing our Form Templates, especially the Order Forms section, because usually there are lots of pre-made form fields that are ready to use. But you can always create your own form from scratch. You can check out our guides on Create Forms for more information. Let me show you how to do it:

    1. In My Forms, click on Create Form on the upper-left part of the screen.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 1 Screenshot 150

    2. Click on Start From Scratch.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 2 Screenshot 161

    3. Click on Classic Form.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 3 Screenshot 172

    After that, you can customize your form like the example you've shared with us. You can check out our guide on Quick Overview of Form Elements for more information. You can use the Product List element for your products; you can use the Page Break element to split the pages on your form; and you can use the File Upload element to allow the users to attach their files to your form. Also, you can clone my demo form, or you can do it on your end. Let me show you how to do it:

    1. In Form Builder, type your preferred name on Heading field.
    2. Click on Add Element on the upper-left part of the screen.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 4 Screenshot 183

    3. Drag and drop the Product List element to your form.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 5 Screenshot 194

    4. Type your preferred label on Product List field.
    5. Click on the Shopping Cart icon on Product List field.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 6 Screenshot 205

    6. Click on Settings on the right part of the screen.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 7 Screenshot 216

    7. Click on Three Columns option on Product List Layout field.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 8 Screenshot 227

    8. Click on Add Product on Product List Layout field.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 9 Screenshot 238

    9. Type your preferred product name on your preferred product on Product List Layout field.
    10. Type your preferred product description on your preferred product on Product List Layout field.
    11. Type your preferred product price on your preferred product on Product List Layout field.
    12. Click on Upload on your preferred product on Product List Layout field.
    13. Upload your preferred product photo.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 10 Screenshot 249

    14. Click on Add Element on the upper-left part of the screen.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 11 Screenshot 2510

    15. Scroll down, drag and drop the Page Break element to your form.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 12 Screenshot 2611

    16. Click on Add Element on the upper-left part of the screen.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 13 Screenshot 2712

    17. Scroll down, drag and drop the File Upload element to your form.

    Inquiries about form templates, and is it possible to allow users to upload their files on the form? Image 14 Screenshot 2813

    That's it. Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

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