Creating Form Calculation with drop downs

  • sammidesign07
    Asked on September 19, 2024 at 10:05 PM

    Hello! So here's my situation:

    I'm doing a candle ordering form (no payment to be processed on the form), each scent has a Candle option and a Wax Melt option and people can select multiple of each in various combinations. As there are 12 scents I wanted to make the form a bit less visually messy so I have conditional logic set up so a person would select their scents from a Multiple Choice offering which then populates the needed qty selection for both candles/melts as Drop Downs

    Creating Form Calculation with drop downs Image 1 Screenshot 50

    Next they would select from the drop downs how many of each they would like:

    Creating Form Calculation with drop downs Image 2 Screenshot 61

    I have done the work to make them calculate values

    Creating Form Calculation with drop downs Image 3 Screenshot 72

    which is somewhat working but I do not understand this partCreating Form Calculation with drop downs Image 4 Screenshot 83

    I would also like to make it so that total field can not be edited, it is just a summary based on their selection rather than a field open to manipulation.

    So 2 things I'd like to solve:

    1. why does it show 42=420, for a selection of 6 $42 items, it should just say 42
    2. how can we get the field to function dynamically with what is chosen without being editable

    editing link if that is helpful:

    preview link if that is helpful:

    Thank you!!

  • William JotForm Support
    Replied on September 19, 2024 at 11:16 PM

    Hi Samantha,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I checked your form calculation widget and found this equal and total included. You should actually remove this and only retain the parts that you need calculated. This is because the total amount will reflect on the field automatically without declaring it as such.

    Creating Form Calculation with drop downs Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Once you have it removed, you can save your settings and try filling up the form.

    Give this a try and let us know how it goes.

  • sammidesign07
    Replied on September 20, 2024 at 9:23 PM

    Thank you!

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