Showing The Location of The Embedded Form in Email

  • Ameriabank_CJSC
    Asked on September 19, 2024 at 10:06 AM

    How can I have page url tracker, not domain but exact page URL, where that form is located.

    The problem is the same form is located in different pages of the same website, so I need to know from which page I get the mail from.

    Showing The Location of The Embedded Form in Email Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Silvano JotForm Support
    Replied on September 19, 2024 at 10:42 AM

    Hi Ameriabank_CJSC,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. It seems that the form was accessed through your website's homepage, since the Get Page URL should show the complete URL and not just the domain. Can you try testing your form again through this page of your website, and see what happens?

    Once we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll be able to come up with a solution.

  • Ameriabank_CJSC
    Replied on September 20, 2024 at 2:48 AM

    I get the same result

    Showing The Location of The Embedded Form in Email Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Blake JotForm Support
    Replied on September 20, 2024 at 3:22 AM

    Hi Ameriabank_CJSC,

    The Get Page URL detects the webpage where you embedded the form and provides the page URL each time the form is submitted if it doesn't meet your expectation, you can also try Get Referrer widget which produces the URL of the webpage where the form users came from before they reached your form.

    Reach out again if you need any more help.

  • Ameriabank_CJSC
    Replied on September 24, 2024 at 7:56 AM

    I used get referrer widget, but it didn't work either.

    What can be the reason it didn't work?

  • Silvano JotForm Support
    Replied on September 24, 2024 at 8:08 AM

    Hi Ameriabank_CJSC,

    Can you share to us the screenshot of the result when using the Get Referrer widget? We have a guide here explaining how to do that.

    As soon as we hear back from you, we can move forward with a solution.

  • Ameriabank_CJSC
    Replied on September 24, 2024 at 9:27 AM

    Now I receive this email

    Showing The Location of The Embedded Form in Email Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Eliza JotForm Support
    Replied on September 24, 2024 at 10:28 AM

    Hi Ameriabank_CJSC,

    Another way to capture the submission source page or form is to use a hidden field to monitor where the entries are coming from. Let me walk you to through it:

    1. In the Form Builder, click on Add Element in the upper-left corner of the page.

    2. Under the Basic tab, select Short Text.

    3. Label your field.

    Showing The Location of The Embedded Form in Email Image 1 Screenshot 40

    4. Click on the field's Gear icon to open the Short Text Properties panel.

    5. Go to the Advanced tab, and toggle Hide Field.

    Showing The Location of The Embedded Form in Email Image 2 Screenshot 51

    6. Still under the Advanced tab, expand Field Details.

    7. Copy the Short Text’s Unique Name.

    Showing The Location of The Embedded Form in Email Image 3 Screenshot 62

    To prepopulate your hidden Short Text, use its unique name and desired value as a query string to the embed code or parent window URL. For example, the form’s JavaScript embed would look similar to this:

     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    Or as follows for the iFrame embed code:

    title="Գրավով վարկեր - ENG"
    allow="geolocation; microphone; camera"

        <script src=''></script>
        <script>window.jotformEmbedHandler("iframe[id='JotFormIFrame-242631675034454']", "")</script>

    For Feedback and Lightbox embed codes, or when adding the query string to the embed code’s SRC attribute doesn’t work, you can add the query string to the parent window’s URL:

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

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