The text within the scroll is blurred on mobile devices

  • Tablets_tablets
    Asked on July 16, 2019 at 6:24 PM

    After doing this, it works, but on my tablet the text within the scrollable text field is blurry. When I zoom in it gets clear again. It displays fine on an iPhone but it is slightly blurry on my lectures tablet.

  • jherwin
    Replied on July 16, 2019 at 7:39 PM

    Are you referring to this form?

    Please try to increase the font-size and see if that will fix the blurry on mobile devices.

  • Tablets_tablets
    Replied on July 17, 2019 at 2:28 PM

    It did not fix the issue.

  • Tablets_tablets
    Replied on July 18, 2019 at 11:21 AM

    The text is still blurry no matter the size of the font. It's only blurry on my tablet.

  • David JotForm Support Manager
    Replied on July 18, 2019 at 1:18 PM

    Could you try adding this code?


      -webkit-filter: blur(0.000001px);

      font-size: 15px;


    According to the an emulator I just tried, the text won't look blurry, clone form version: 

    1563470243blurry Screenshot 10

    Let us know if that helps.