Multiple QR code reader widgets on same form causing issues

  • kcollins_FPUD
    Asked on July 8, 2019 at 6:21 PM

    Hello - on the form linked below, I am trying to mimic an issue out from inventory type of form using QR code scanning. 

    A problem that seems to consistently occur is, if more than one item is scanned, the QR code widget malfunctions. For example, if I scan item 111 for the first QR code option, then scan item 222 for the second, and item 333 for the third, once I submit the form it will change the first option of 111 to 333. So it will show item 1 as 333, item 2 as 222, and item 3 as 333. I am able to consistently replicate this problem using various Android devices. 

    Any help you can give for having multiple QR code widgets on the same form would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • Elton Support Team Lead
    Replied on July 8, 2019 at 8:03 PM

    I could not reproduce the problem on my form.

    Multiple QR code reader widgets on same form causing issues Image 1 Screenshot 40

    The result is correct:

    Multiple QR code reader widgets on same form causing issues Image 2 Screenshot 51

    I also checked this on the cloned version of your form and it is fine.


    Multiple QR code reader widgets on same form causing issues Image 3 Screenshot 62

    I am testing this on my Android device (v9) using Chrome browser.