Customize the thank you page in Card Form

  • 677alexander
    Asked on June 21, 2019 at 2:03 PM


    How can I customize the thank you page after my form has been submitted conditionally so that different answers bring different thank you pages.

    Also, how can I add a link to a picture on the thank you page like I can in the actual form? I need to redirect the customer to a google review link after the thank you page.

    Look forward to your reply. Thank you

    Alexander D

  • Richie JotForm Support
    Replied on June 21, 2019 at 4:02 PM

    I have checked your form and it seems you're using the Card Form.

    How can I customize the thank you page after my form has been submitted conditionally so that different answers bring different thank you pages.

    You may customize your thank you page using the Change "Thank you " page condition.

    Customize the thank you page in Card Form Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Also, how can I add a link to a picture on the thank you page like I can in the actual form? I need to redirect the customer to a google review link after the thank you page.

    You would need to highlight your text first so that the option to add a link will show.

    Customize the thank you page in Card Form Image 2 Screenshot 41

    However, if you want to add an image to the Thank you page this is not possible with the Card Form.

    Hope this information helps.

    If you need further assistance, let us know.