Multi role HIPAA compliant form

  • Lawrence Earl
    Asked on May 10, 2019 at 10:02 PM

    Hi I need a medical examiner to use (by clicking a link) a referral form routed to an admin who fills in additional info, then routed to a doc to create an order (on the same form), then faxed to the testing company.


    Let me know if you can do this, as a HIPAA compliant form of course

    sample form attached

    Jotform Thread 1820260 Screenshot
  • Victoria_K
    Replied on May 11, 2019 at 5:04 AM

    Hello Lawrence,

    There is an option to set up the flow you require on a form. To do so, I would suggest to send email notifications conditionally. Here is how: How-to-Send-Email-Based-on-User-s-Answer

    However, to keep process by obeying HIPAA compliance necessities, submission edits will have to be made in our system directly. This means that everyone who must approve or check the form, will have to login to system. The final email, which is supposed to be sent to the testing company, can simply contain a password protected PDF document with submission information: How-to-include-submissions-as-PDF-attachment-in-the-email-notifications

    We will be glad to answer other questions and to set up the form if you face difficulties.