How to capture URL?

  • Mohammad M. Byouk
    Asked on April 21, 2019 at 10:05 AM

    Hi there everyone,

    I came across this forum while searching for a solution to our website development. We are utilizing GCS (Google Custom Search) engine to enable our customers to search for their products in a designated URLs that we configure in the GCS dashboard.

    We generate a page called "Search Results Page" on our website that put all search results of the keyword that customer search for from these URLs and display it in a nice grid view with product Image, Product Description, Product Price etc.

    We need to capture the URL of the web page that customer reach after browsing the image when he clicks on it (i.e. Customer will click on the image in the "Search Results Page" without taking him to a new of the image URL so he stays inside our website and browse that URL inside our website so we can get the final URL of the product he wants when he click Add To Cart or Buy it Now)

    Or if anyone can suggest a solution that enable us to capture the final URL of the product page that the customer wants ... Like capture the URL address of that product and then he can submit the request of further information to our back office ...

    If you have a solution or you can develop an app for this, you will be awarded our contract ...

    Anyone who has an idea or a solution, please contact me for further information,


  • Richie JotForm Support
    Replied on April 21, 2019 at 10:58 AM

    We have two widgets that captures URL.

    The Get Page URL in which will get the URL of the current page and the Referrer URL, in which it will capture the page the form was opened.

    However, I'm not sure these widgets fits your requirements as you only view the image inside a grid view and you would need to add a form in your web page to be able to capture URL.

    Hope this information helps.