How do I stop the multiple emails for a single submission?

  • anita.menotti
    Asked on March 29, 2019 at 3:10 AM

    I just want to say I love your website and it has made it very easy for our school registrations. I am wondering however, Is it necessary that I have this notification of emails on? Sometimes I am receiving 13 notifications in my inbox and I don't know if I need to do this now. I can change the email address to our group one but I am waiting on confirmation from our IT guys. Or can I simply delete my email and not have them sent to my emails but rather check my submissions in the Submissions link.

  • roneet
    Replied on March 29, 2019 at 5:51 AM

    I believe you are referring to this Form. I checked our email logs and could see the notification email is sent only once. The settings seem to be correctly placed.

    What I would suggest you, to Delete your " Notification " and then Remake it with a New One in its place. It sounds like the Notification may have gotten stuck which can sometimes happen. Removing it and Remaking it should help to correct it. Then afterwards make sure you clear your form cache followed by testing it again.

     Let us know how it goes.
