Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

  • Vconnect
    Asked on February 23, 2019 at 3:30 AM

    Hi Sir,

    We are getting this error "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED"  on daily basis, we are calling jot form in our website in iframe, Please check this issue.

    Jot Form URL :

    Jotform Thread 1741604 Screenshot
  • Alan_D
    Replied on February 23, 2019 at 1:36 PM

    I have checked your form. It works properly.
    Failed to load resource: net::ERR CONNECTION CLOSED Image 10
    It must be internet connectivity issue.
    Can you try one of these options:
    1. Restarting your browser. Or try another browser.
    2. Disabling proxy(if you have).
    3. Free some RAM memory.

    We are looking for your response.

  • Vconnect
    Replied on February 24, 2019 at 1:32 AM


    If it is internet connectivity issue than my web site also not open, you can see in shared screenshort where my website header logo are coming, it is issue from  jotform server, sometime jotform server are not responding and throwing error, Please check it in deep level.

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 24, 2019 at 6:38 AM

    As I check the form and the web page at my end, they are being displayed without any issue. What my colleague meant to say was it could be an issue with the ISP or the firewall that may be blocking JotForm or some of the scripts. We request you to check the web page/form from a different location or a different connection (you may check on your mobile using mobile data) to see how it works. Also, you may try whitelisting JotForm IP addresses/domains that should help.

    Please get back to us if the issue still persists. We will be happy to assist you further.