How to create a quiz form which shows if an answer is correct and to show correct answers along with the chosen answers?

  • emergenetics
    Asked on January 15, 2019 at 4:24 AM

    Hello, we'd like to make this form into a quiz. I've tried using but it does not indicate whether the answer chosen is correct or not, and I'd like to show the correct answer if chosen one is wrong. Could you help with this?

  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on January 15, 2019 at 9:25 AM

    It is possible to show the results to the user after submission using Please see the screenshot below. Refer Turn-Your-Form-into-a-Quiz-or-Exam-

    154756195628727 quizbuilder Screenshot 10

    If you want to show the correct answers along with the chosen answers, then it is possible to show that in the Thank You page.

    Here is a related thread, which shows how you can configure your Thank you page to show the correct and chosen answers:

    You can refer to these guides here to understand how to set up Thank you page:



    Do try this and let us know how this works for you.

  • emergenetics
    Replied on January 16, 2019 at 1:46 AM

    Hi, thank you for your help. I have managed to follow the steps, but the results show up strange after submission.

    Please view the attached screenshot.1547612509Screenshot 2019 01 16 at 12 Screenshot 10

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on January 16, 2019 at 3:57 AM

    I am sorry for the trouble caused to you. I did check your form #90141925577461 and found  that you have enabled encryption in your form. Please note that when the form is encrypted, it encrypt the input data of form. That is the reason why data is not being displayed correctly in results page. 

    I would suggest you to please disabled encryption in your form and that should solve your problem. Please check the screenshot below on how to disable encryption in form:

    1547629004encryptionDisable Screenshot 10

    Hope this helps.

    Do get back to us if you have any questions.