Ability to send reminder emails based on conditions.

  • AgilityAssoc.Canada
    Asked on December 31, 2018 at 12:50 PM

    1.  Different links then the form it is added to. Like different forms depending on requirements.

    My idea is, I could send a reminder to a person(s) and depending on the requirements they could select one of 6 forms, (more or less) and not just the one for the reminder that it is now.


    if it is the 15th and you are a CA use form A

    if it is the 15th and you are a CD use form B

    if it is the 30th and you are a CA or CD use form C

    if it is the 30th and you are a CCA use form D

    If you are a CA check your personal data with this link.

    Now I understand I could make a separate reminders for each of these and they are not necessarily the best of examples, but they would a lot easier to manage then having 5 with 5 mailing lists. 

  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on December 31, 2018 at 1:10 PM

    As I understand your requirement, you will basically need to set up the reminder emails globally instead of configure them on each form. 

    Now, it's still unclear how the wizard will know if the user is "CA", "CD" or "CCA", where will this information be taken from? 

    This requirement seems to be very specific, but with more details we may properly understand the request and pass the idea clearly to our second level as request. 

  • AgilityAssoc.Canada
    Replied on December 31, 2018 at 9:25 PM

    I'm not sure why this is a new request, If the editor is installed this can be easily done.

    The editor will be able to create any number of links as required, the recipient need only select the one they need.

    I don't think you understood or I explained my first request very well.

    Please cancel this.

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on January 1, 2019 at 2:53 AM

    Please note that we have already forwarded request to our backend team to add editor with all functionality. I understand that your other requirement will taken care if editor with all features is added which will allow you to add links.