How to I set the amount due from the main page on the other two payment

  • MDChapter
    Asked on December 21, 2018 at 1:45 AM

    How to I set the amount due from the main page on the other two payments forms?

  • DonaldHag
    Replied on December 21, 2018 at 4:49 AM

    The Amount Due has to be set up from the other two forms and not the main form. All the payment related fields such as the calculations and product options have to be added to the other 2 payment option forms.

    The submit button has to be included on the other two forms as well and not the main form. This is because data is not passed from the main form to the sub-forms once they are embedded.

    Another alternative workaround is to redirect users to a different payment form based on their selection on the main form.

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