How can I connect the number of coupons to the total entry count entered earlier in the form

  • dbadio
    Asked on June 29, 2024 at 11:22 AM

    How can I connect the number of coupons to the total entry count entered earlier in the form.

    The earlier question is:

    How many children are you registering for Marietta PAL programs?

    I'd like the option to provide coupon discounts for the total number entered for this question. How do I like this question to the coupon count?

    Thank you!!!

  • Devemer JotForm Support
    Replied on June 29, 2024 at 11:56 AM

    Hi dbadio,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Just to be sure that I got you correctly, you'd like the number of coupons to be the same as the number of children being registered, right? If so, we should be able to do this by adding a Short Text field and applying a calculation condition. Let me walk you through it:

    • In Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button in the left part of the page.
    • Under Basic Elements, click, drag, and drop a Short Text field anywhere in your form. Then, you can rename this as Number of Coupons or something similar.

    How can I connect the number of coupons to the total entry count entered earlier in the form Image 1 Screenshot 50

    • Next, in the top-orange navigation bar, go to Settings.
    • In the left panel, click on the Conditions tab.
    • Click the blue Add Condition button and choose Update/Calculate Field.

    How can I connect the number of coupons to the total entry count entered earlier in the form Image 2 Screenshot 61

    • Set the condition following the image below, and don't forget to click on Save once you're done.

    How can I connect the number of coupons to the total entry count entered earlier in the form Image 3 Screenshot 72

    Check out the screencast below for the expected result once applied:

    How can I connect the number of coupons to the total entry count entered earlier in the form Image 4 Screenshot 83

    If that's not what you meant, though, can you tell us more about how you want the flow of your form to go?

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.

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