How to set several recipients for Autoresponder Email?

  • AgilityAssoc.Canada
    Asked on November 4, 2018 at 12:55 PM


    Is it possible to add a second recipient to the responder or are we required to make two seperate responders?

    1541354046second Screenshot 10

    It would be much more efficient if two or more could be added here.

    best, Robert

  • Victoria_K
    Replied on November 4, 2018 at 1:26 PM

    Hello Robert,

    Unfortunately, there's no direct option to set several recipients for autoresponder email. You could create multiple templates and set different recipients. 

    But, I can suggest the following workaround if you want to send same autoresponder to comma separated recipients. Basically, you should apply a condition to it. That could be a condition, which is "always met":

    154135582220 21 13 Screenshot 10

    Related guide: How-to-Send-Email-Based-on-User-s-Answer

    Hope this helps! But, please get back to us if you need further assistance. 

  • Victoria_K
    Replied on November 4, 2018 at 1:30 PM


    Please note that in this case your respondents will see emails of other recipients:

    154135618820 28 24 Screenshot 10

  • AgilityAssoc.Canada
    Replied on November 4, 2018 at 1:56 PM

    Hello Victoria,

    This would just fine as in most cases it is the same person and if not that is not an issue. I will setup this condition.

    Thank you for a prompt answer, best Robert